Common Questions
  • Pharma services|
  • Patient services|
  • Conditions|
  • Insurance support|
  • Limited distribution|
  • Health plan contracts|
  • Exclusive distribution|
  • Forms|
  • Price list
Pharma services

Does Cancer Care Associates of York work closely with Rinvoq and AbbVie Inc.?

Yes, Cancer Care Associates of York does work with Rinvoq and offers some of the services below: Reach engaged patients and providers at the right time, Support patients and providers by delivering relevant information, Use actionable insights to improve care.
Patient services

Does Cancer Care Associates of York offer services for Rinvoq patients?

Indeed, Cancer Care Associates of York offers the following services for Rinvoq patients:Counseling and education, Connect and communicate with the care team at any time from any device, Access personalized data, education and self-care instructions, 24/7 access to customized care information, Receive timely health updates and instructions.

What conditions does Cancer Care Associates of York support?

Cancer Care Associates of York supports the following conditions:Arthritis, Rheumatoid.
Insurance support

How does Cancer Care Associates of York help with insurance?

Cancer Care Associates of York can help with insurance in the following ways:Prepare and become economically viable in value-based payment models – without disruption to their day-to-day activities.